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Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Hydrogen Bomb Exposure Mode

The fallout on the boat contained 26 nuclides.  The presence of uranium 237 suggested that the bomb was of the type which used natural uranium as its outer component.  The radiative intensity of the fallout at 7:00 AM, 1 March, is estimated at 1.4Ci/g.  The fishing-boat crew received external gamma ray irradiation, internal irradiation from fallout intake, and bata ray irradiation from fallout on naked skin.  External gamma ray irradiation is considered to have  been the main cause of acute symptoms.  The two-week doses of gamma ray varied but are estimated to have ranged from 170 to 600 rads.  Radiochemical analysis of urine and external measurement of thyroid gland radioactivity showed internal irradiation.  However, there were no cases of long-term presence of radioactive material in the men examined.  The degree of skin injuries led to estimates that local skin exposure doses were roughly 1,000 rads or higher.


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